What is an Ingress ?
An Ingress resource allows exposing Services outside the cluster. There are other solutions to do so, such as:
- a NodePort Service
- a Load Balancer Service
Use case examples:
- HTTP routing via domain name or query content
- TLS termination
An Ingress resource is used by an Ingress Controller
Ingress controller
An Ingress controller is a reverse proxy configured with Ingress resources.
Among the existing solutions:
- Nginx
- Traefik
- HAProxy
- Kong
- Contour
- Gloo
Routing using domain name
The following specification defines an Ingress resource which ensures the traffic arriving at api.example.com is forwarded to the api Service on port 80:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: myapp
ingressClassName: nginx
- host: api.example.com
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: api
number: 80
Exposing the VotingApp with an Ingress resource
The previous exercise left the app with the following components:
We will now use an Ingress Controller (based on Traefik) and an Ingress resource to make the application available to the outside world: