Configuring DNS
In this section, you’ll expose the VotingApp on a real domain name. We’ll consider several possibilities:
- you have a domain name managed by Exoscale DNS
- you have a domain name managed by another DNS provider
- you don’t have any domain name to use for this workshop
Upgrade the application
First, change the content of the values.yaml file to ensure the application is exposed on your own domains/subdomains (replace DOMAIN.TLD with your own domain)
enabled: true
vote: vote.DOMAIN.TLD
result: result.DOMAIN.TDD
Next, upgrade the application:
helm upgrade --install vote oci:// --version v1.0.36 --namespace vote --create-namespace -f values.yaml
The application is now exposed on http://vote.DOMAIN.TLD and https://result.DOMAIN.TLD. Before you can access the web frontends, you need to update the DNS records for both vote.DOMAIN.TLD and result.DOMAIN.TLD, so they resolve to the IP Address of the Ingress Controller.
1st case: you have a domain name managed by Exoscale DNS
First, navigate to the DNS section using the menu on the left, then select your domain.
Next, add an A record so the vote subdomain resolves to the IP address of your cluster’s Ingress Controller:
Next, add a similar A record for the result subdomain:
You can access the vote-ui and result-ui web interfaces on the respective subdomains.
2nd case: you have a domain name managed by another DNS provider
From the dashboard of your DNS, you need to create the following A records:
- vote.DOMAIN.TLD resolving to the IP Address of the Traefik Ingress Controller
- result.DOMAIN.TLD resolving to the IP Address of the Traefik Ingress Controller
Once the records are created, you can access the vote-ui and result-ui web interfaces on the respective subdomains.
3rd case: you don’t have any domain name to use for this workshop
From DuckDNS, you can create two subdomains of the domain. In this example, we’ve created the following ones:
For each of your subdomains, associate the IP address of the Traefik Ingress Controller.
Then, you can access the vote-ui web interface using the selected subdomains. The screenshot below illustrates the usage of the vote-votingapp and result-votingapp subdomains.